When allowing children to access the Internet

The Internet today permeates almost all areas of our lives. This applies not only to adults, but also to children. It is clear that if they want to function in today\’s society, which is essentially dependent on it, they need to know it sooner or later. But it is true that the Internet is not only full of dangers that children are not aware of, but also not the best for their psyche. Therefore, many parents suffer from the question of when to introduce their offspring to him and in what way.

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Of course, most often pass a tablet to a small child, for example, to watch a fairy tale on YouTube. In a short time, he will learn to handle it himself, and, for example, he will find his favorite part without help. This makes it easier for parents to work, but, according to psychologists, this is definitely not an ideal procedure.

Such infants must not own or possess devices such as mobile phones or tablets, with the necessary exceptions. They not only do not understand the dangers that they can hide in them, but also develop addiction much easier. This can lead to a violation of their mental development.

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Therefore, we should begin to get used to these techniques at a slightly older age, ideally about 9 or 10 years. Here, children need to exercise parental control because they have easy access to websites that are curious, unplanned, but not very suitable for them.

Of course, as the child grows up, it is good to give him more and more freedom in this regard. Nevertheless, we should always remind him of the dangers that arise on the Internet and teach him how to prevent them. Unfortunately, even today, most parents themselves still have somewhat insufficient information in this regard. Therefore, such teaching should, among other things, be a compulsory subject in the school. Unfortunately, it has not even happened. We see the consequences of many people falling for Internet scammers.