What are the basic pillars of a relationship?

Some couples find it hard to maintain a beautiful and happy relationship, while others have a solid foundation that makes everything much easier. That is why, before entering into a relationship, you need to consider whether those pillars are strong enough to withstand greater difficulties in your case.

Mutual attraction

The claim that appearances do not matter is nonsense. However, the fact remains that what we like is different for each of us. Some people are attracted to a plump figure, while others are attracted to a solid physique, thick hair, and a symmetrical face. Therefore, since there will always be people who like each other, we cannot say that they are unattractive. If the mutual attraction is not working, that is, if one of them finds the other unattractive and perhaps even repulsive, despite their understanding of each other, they will have to work hard to make the relationship meaningful at all. Attraction really does matter, and over time a physical relationship becomes less important, but you don\’t want to wake up next to someone who will ruin your day just because of how they look.

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The boundaries of fidelity, privacy, and support are set differently in every relationship, and that is perfectly fine. The key is to make it work for you, not to live up to society\’s standards. But if you can\’t trust each other completely, there is a mistake somewhere. If one is disappointed in the other, it will be more difficult to work it out, and mutual doubt will water down the emotional level of the relationship.

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It is also important that the two people in the relationship agree on a life plan. If one of you wants to have four children and the other does not want to have one, a compromise of two probably will not work, and similarly, if one of you concedes, the other may be unhappy. It is also possible that if one concedes, the other will be unhappy. In some cases, people who did not want children will devote their lives to them once they are born, but this cannot be counted on. Such matters are not usually discussed on the first date, but need to be discussed before the relationship becomes too serious and either party is hurt.