Eliminate the smell of garlic

● Rub hands with a little salt and a little lemon juice. Then wash your hands with warm water. ●An alternative method: Rub wet hands with coffee grounds and wash them well. The smell of garlic will quickly disappear if you use coffee grounds. ● Vinegar also removes unpleasant odors. Wash hands with vinegar and…
ornamental garden ponds

We all have secrets. Some we confide to loved ones (family, friends, partners), some we want to confide but are afraid of the reaction, and some we want to take to the grave. We need to distinguish between essential secrets that may affect the lives of those around us and non-essential secrets that do not…
A pergola is simply part of the garden
Unwelcome visitors
Raspberries and blackberries are planted in gardens!

According to archaeological finds,raspberries and blackberries were already very popular among our ancient ancestors. Their stones have been found in excavations of wheel buildings. This is also attested by the written record. For example, Pliny writes about sweet raspberries ripening in the Ida Mountains of Crete. According to the Ida Mountains,the raspberryalso has a scientific…
Safety Glass in Door Panels Prevents Serious Injuries

Doors are a type of furniture . Their glass panels are extremely practical and tasteful at the same time. They have been used quite commonly in residential interiors for decades and were even part of the standard in prefabricated and brick apartment buildings in the mid-20th century. However, the doors at the time were inset…
Install a heating gutter system

Having a heated gutter system is not something that can be taken lightly. Gutter systems are generally very expensive and you do not need to buy them from some very expensive materials. And just some forgotten dirt, the one that the autumn wind brought and went into the drain. It is not necessary to completely…
Garden Grille

One option that will solve the garden barbecue forever is the construction of an outdoor fireplace.1 His service will be appreciated not only by lovers of grills, but also lovers of smoked dishes. The lower part of the fireplace serves as a storage for chopped wood, and also allows you to store the necessary tools…