Success in the diary!

Doller is not just a diary. We can say that the diary of this brand itself is a little philosophical. If you are interested in how you can achieve subsequent success through this helper, please read, or for more information, we offer an article that you will definitely identify.


What is a Deller?

Doller was invented by 2 young students from Zlín. This is a diary that differs from other diaries of stationery in many details and improvements. The paper itself, the ribbon, as well as the leatherette lining the diary, are made of very high-quality materials. You can\’t find a predetermined date, holiday, bold line on it that you\’re afraid to drag from time to time. On the contrary, the Doller offers versatility and opens the door wide for creative individuals. For example, if you buy in 2 months, you don\’t have to worry about leaving a few pages empty in 1 month. Each month has its own “front page”, in which there are 12 numbers – tick the month that is currently in progress. So, if you take a deller on 2 months, you circle your number 2. On other sites there is a monthly writing of tasks, and then weekly. Here the field is empty, so it is purely up to you from the day you begin to write your knowledge and slowly move on to your dreams.


Imagination has no limits

If you can\’t write comfortably, you can draw. Other creatives glue photos and photos to the diary. A person who feels like Jack Kerouac, whose hands on white paper have become unstoppable, can afford to write as many pages as he wants, and on the contrary it does not look bad at all. The lines are very subtle and almost invisible. Each box on a given day has the goal you are trying to achieve on that day. At the end of the month, there are pages that summarize successes and failures, what you think you have succeeded, whether you are slowly approaching a dream or stagnant, and next month you will be better.