According to archaeological finds,raspberries and blackberries were already very popular among our ancient ancestors. Their stones have been found in excavations of wheel buildings. This is also attested by the written record. For example, Pliny writes about sweet raspberries ripening in the Ida Mountains of Crete. According to the Ida Mountains,the raspberryalso has a scientific name,Rubus Idaea. In our country, it began to be cultivated as a horticultural plant in the 16th century. Today, breeding has made it possible to grow raspberries of various colors (color, size, and flavor), thornless blackberries, or “hybrids” of raspberries and blackberries. The “father” was Canadian horticulturist M. J. Logan. The first hybrid was named the Loganberry after him.Raspberry and blackberry berries are just as good lookingand delicious. No wonder they are popular with adults and children alike. This is a good thing. Because the fruits provide us with many substances that are beneficial to the body. In addition to water, carbohydrates, and pectin, they contain malic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, vitamins B2 and B6, carotene, iron,calcium,magnesium,zinc,potassiumand high levels of copper. Pips are not very “popular” because they prefer to get stuck between the teeth, but they are high in insoluble fiber and contain essential oils. Best eaten raw but very tasty in the kitchen with cottage cheese, pudding, or whipped cream. They are also great for homemade ice cream, smoothies, desserts, cakes, and marmalades. Raspberries and blackberries must be eaten or frozen and processedquickly! Raspberry and blackberry leavesare used by herbalists in various medicinal mixtures.
When planting these plants in the garden, always choose a sunny, moist location. They prefer acidic soils, with a pH of 5.6 to 6.5 being optimal. Compost is the best fertilizer, and if adding industrial fertilizer, choose one that does not contain chlorine , which raspberries do not like. In caring for raspberries and blackberries, one must also remember to regularly remove pesky weeds . Raspberries have shallow roots and are often eaten by weeds. Of course, don\’t forget to properly prune and supportthem. If we provide the proper conditions for them to grow, they will surely reward us greatly!