Parent-Child Relationship

Once you decide to start a family and have children, you must be absolutely sure that you can handle the day-to-day concerns. This is because raising a child by example and being really strict at times is not fun. On the contrary, we must have steady nerves, because children can be obnoxious, moody, and unruly.
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But that is what parenting is all about. When he is still a baby, it is a relief to change him a few times, feed him, and put him to sleep, but it gets worse as he grows up. The child knows that we love him and would do anything in the world for him, but sometimes we have to return the favor by being polite not only to us, but also at school, and by not talking dirty to our friends or telling lies. Honesty between parents and children is a good start to getting along. If you can trust each other and not lie to each other, it is one of the most important things you can do. Parents make mistakes too, but perhaps we all need to set a good example for our children. As children get older, they will pay more attention to money and the relationship between mom and dad. Even if their parents treat them badly or there is physical violence, it is completely normal in everyday life for children and they will think they can do it too. [The same is true of money; if you buy something that you don\’t need because you want it, or you buy something that the child wants, the child thinks it\’s okay and knows that if he wants it, he can get it. Even borrowing money as an adult is sometimes a mistake. We want to help them get back on their feet by furnishing their apartment or helping them get married, but children know that it is easy to get used to and that they can always come back. Parenting and parent-child relationships are best dealt with as children, and trying to re-educate them after they realize this as teenagers is usually unsuccessful. It is good to support what they enjoy doing, whether it be sports, school, or an interesting job, but if we know it is not hurting them, the best thing we can do for them is to show interest in them.