Is it worth buying an e-reader?
How Glass is Used in Interiors

Not all living spaces are ideal. They are often too small, have an undesirable structure, are dark, or, conversely, are inappropriately large. This is where interior designers come in. Today, miracles are practically possible. Unconventional materials are available that allow architects to create spaces that are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing. Glass is…
Eliminate the smell of garlic

● Rub hands with a little salt and a little lemon juice. Then wash your hands with warm water. ●An alternative method: Rub wet hands with coffee grounds and wash them well. The smell of garlic will quickly disappear if you use coffee grounds. ● Vinegar also removes unpleasant odors. Wash hands with vinegar and…
Everyone Needs a Smartwatch

Besides the fact that smartwatches are now truly fashionable, we also need to look at why they became fashionable in the first place. What is unique about smartwatches, how do they differ from traditional ones, and why should we have them? Which are the best sellers on the Czech market and which are the best?…
Pleasant Relationships
A small big world on rails

Model railroading may remind some people of their hobbyist grandfathers, fathers, and uncles, but even in today\’s technologically advanced age, this hobby has a lot of charm. It is a leisure activity that is constantly evolving and trying to keep up with the times, and it has a strong following. The absolute beginner may be…