

is the first goal of civilization, or any community. The more of us there are, the more food we have, the longer we can survive. There were and still are wars over food. Food is an absolute necessity for us, and if we don\’t have it, we must get it any way we can. We…

How to Avoid Burnout on Maternity Leave

How to Avoid Burnout on Maternity Leave

We usually talk about burnout primarily in the context of a demanding job involving people. Unfortunately, however, burnout can also affect mothers on maternity leave. Burnout is especially dangerous for mothers who are extremely exhausted and have a very stereotypical life with their small children. In fact, every day is exactly the same as the…

How to proceed with makeup

How to proceed with makeup

If you want your makeup to look amazing, you need to follow a step-by-step process. It sounds complicated, but it is very simple and over time you will automatically get used to the way it is done.Wash your handsAfter all, you will be touching your face, especially if you have trouble skin that is prone…

Storms – a beautiful sight, but a dangerous force

Storms - a beautiful sight, but a dangerous force

Already in prehistoric times, people had a panicked fear of storms, viewing them as divine punishment. The Romans were even convinced that Jupiter, one of the Roman gods, would throw lightning bolts formed from volcanic magma.Huge flashes and deafening sounds, like lunar and solar eclipses, were unexplainable phenomena to the people of the time, and…

You should give back care for your parents

You should give back care for your parents

Every child will one day grow up and eventually become independent and wish to live on their own, preferably away from their parents. It is a natural process that happens in every family, and of course, it is meant to be so. However, when old age or illness necessitates the care of one\’s parents, one…

It starts with a ring

It starts with a ring

For men, and especially for women, engagement is an important step, and this moment in life should be special. Ladies dream of the perfect, romantic proposal as seen in the movies, while gentlemen worry about making an original and memorable confession. In addition, the right engagement ring must also be chosen. An engagement ring does…

How do I get started on an ongoing basis?

How do I get started on an ongoing basis?

Moving is as important and necessary for our bodies as swallowing and breathing. In other words, exercise is essentially a kind of predisposition that we should acquire on a regular basis. However, because we live in a very convenient age, regular exercise has become more of a fiction than a daily ritual for many of…

Fake friends: how to recognize them

Fake friends: how to recognize them

Humans are social creatures and form bonds of affection and friendship to avoid feeling lonely and to boost their self-esteem. However, we sometimes encounter fake people whose only goal is a relationship that is beneficial to us. As we are often painfully reminded, not all people who pretend to be friends are really friends. How…