How to Avoid Burnout on Maternity Leave

We usually talk about burnout primarily in the context of a demanding job involving people. Unfortunately, however, burnout can also affect mothers on maternity leave. Burnout is especially dangerous for mothers who are extremely exhausted and have a very stereotypical life with their small children. In fact, every day is exactly the same as the day before. How do you cope with burnout?

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So first, try to please yourself as much as possible. Instead of running around the house and getting everything done that she couldn\’t do with the baby, women need to think about themselves a little. For example, wouldn\’t it be better to enjoy a quiet moment or a quiet cup of coffee, maybe once a day, just to slow down and relax?

Try to break the stereotypes of everyday life. For example, take a trip with a friend and your child, or sign up for a toddler club or baby swimming class. You will meet many new friends who will be happy to talk to you about things other than their children, and you can get out of the house for a while. Besides, many children grow up better with their peers than at home alone with mom. Take advantage of the fact that there are a variety of activities for moms with young children and you don\’t have to stay home.

If you feel uncomfortable staying home, don\’t hesitate to talk to your husband and find a compromise together. There are several options to help you work things out. You can either switch places with your husband while on parental leave or return to work earlier. Part-time jobs specifically for mothers on parental leave are very popular right now, so you don\’t have to go full-time right away. You can leave your child at daycare for one day a week and take a break from your regular job. The grandmothers will be happy to help you.
šťastná žena

If you feel signs of burnout, if your child is irritating or making you feel uncomfortable, if you are not feeling up to anything, or if you feel extremely tired, seek professional help. Often, just one session with a psychologist can help you understand your current life and resolve the situation.