How to attract birds

Birds have so many species that they can\’t even name everything. But everyone can sing their own song, and also note it with them.
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Trees, shrubs, and other enough places for birds to hide and nest are the foundation for them to want to move with you. But if you give them not only regular feasts, but also water for drinking and bathing, then life in your garden will be a bird\’s paradise on earth. So, how to meet the demands and needs of all birds?

Shrubs, trees and hedges
Birds should be considered when planting shrubs and trees in a garden. Their favorite places are dense bushes and hedges. Therefore, the garden should be as diverse as possible in this direction. In addition to hedges, various berry bushes and other shrubs, fruit trees, lianas and tall trees are suitable. Every bird has its own requirements for nesting, so you can easily choose the place of the nest.
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Birdhouses are also interesting nesting environments. If you take care of its production, the bird will appreciate it. Large gaps are not required, but there must be enough entrance holes. Always hang the booth on a tree high enough for the nest-making bird to be protected from cats and other predators.
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Bird Feeders
Birds appreciate the goodness of bird feeders, especially in the cold winter, when there is a lack of food outside. Feeding them will help them survive the harsh winter conditions. But the feeder should also be placed correctly, so as not to be disturbed by predators during the feast. But feed the birds only in the winter, and in the spring disinfect and hide the feeder. A bird fed from a feeder will not be ready for life. In addition, there is a risk of infection by transmission of the disease from contaminated food.