Grow a healthy liver in your garden with the help of milk cistle

The liver is the cleanser of our body. The liver is responsible for removing toxic substances from the body. However, liver cells are full of unhealthy substances that we ingest from food and the environment. But we can help the liver by cleansing it with detoxifying thistle seeds. And now is the perfect time to harvest thistle seeds.
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Your liver will thank you

Milk thistle is an excellent medicinal plant; it has been known as a remedy against disease since the 16th century. Milk thistle has roots, leaves, and especially fruits with medicinal properties. They contain a medicinal constituent called silymarin . Milk thistle has beneficial effects on:
liver function
bile secretion
immune system
powerful antioxidant
In addition, milk thistle is an unpretentious and very beautiful plant that attractive decoration in the garden.
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Harvesting milk thistle

ü This prickly, beautiful plant from the Mediterranean prefers warm, sunny locations. Choose a sunny, wind-sheltered location for planting.
It prefers loam and slightly calcareous soils.
Thistle seeds should be planted 2 to 3 cm deep in early April. [Germination takes about 3 weeks. Soaking the seeds in warm water before sowing can shorten the germination period by up to half.
Remember that this thistle can take up to 80 cm of ground rosette of leaves, so it takes up a lot of space.
The thrips are hardy and stinging plants, reaching up to 2 meters in height. It is characterized by
thick rhizomes,
large, shiny, spiny leaves with white spots and teeth on the edges,
red to purple inflorescences,
and when whitish fuzz appears on thistle flowers during August, it is time to collect medicinal seeds.