[Longboards are longer versions of skateboards. Longboards are usually around one meter in length, but there are longer and shorter versions available. Unlike skateboards, longboards have larger, softer, and wider wheels. As a result, they have a more stable grip.
How to properly identify and select an electric longboard.
Of course, it depends on each individual and their desire within as well as shifting their abilities. Riding on an electric longboard can be done in a variety of styles: downhill, freestyle, dancing, or just classic riding fun.
When choosing an electric longboard, one needs to know the options in terms of affordability as well as equipment. The main criteria are the handling characteristics of the electric longboard relative to the road surface, the type of drive, and above all, the gearing.
Importance of mechanisms in electric longboards
It is essential that the mechanism be very well made, i.e., resistant to high stress. It must be remembered that electric longboards must be well cared for by the owner and all components. Inspection and tightening are equally important. Since electric longboards are heavier than conventional ones, the braking distance is longer. This is where a powerful electric motor can help.
Street Electric Longboards and Basic Division
[The latest ones have powerful electric motors built in and directly integrated into the wheels. This has the advantage of being compact, since all the functions of the drive are directed to the wheel. The disadvantage, however, is that the longboard tends to vibrate slightly when the battery runs out and the rider begins to push it.
Another option is belt-driven gears. This is the best known and most widely used design, evidenced by its many advantages. Most often belts are used to take advantage of the flexibility of the gear material. This would slightly reduce unstable load transients and transients related to power addition. A minor drawback or weakness would be that this type of drive would lose a little energy in power due to more rotating parts, but this could be more effectively utilized.
Some electric longboards have this type of motor because there are no other possible solutions. These are mainly off-road machines, focused on eliminating terrain imbalances, surface changes and unevenness, and providing a quality ride.