Diet = Panacea

This simple equation can be used to describe how we should take care of our skin in the first place. In summary, without proper nutrition, it simply won\’t work. At least in most cases. After all, the condition of our faces is a great indicator of how healthy our bodies are. Acne may not seem like a big deal at first, but it\’s not. Let\’s take a closer look at what we need to do to get the perfect look.portrét dívky
Malnutrition is not beautiful. Most of us are more overweight than underweight, but some of us have this problem. By becoming malnourished, the body loses important minerals, nutrients, and vitamins that it really needs. Thus, they are unknowingly depriving themselves of beauty.
Fatshould make up the bulk of your diet. Even more than protein. Of course, I mean healthy fats, not the solidified ones you get from fast food. I\’m talking about avocados, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, or coconut milk.přírodní kosmetikaOmega-3 fatty acids
should also be an important part of your diet . These are really only good for the face, hands, back, neck, and other acne-prone body parts. They are an internal lubricant, very important for acne.přírodní kosmetika
Water is good for everything. This is also true in this case. Not only does it make the skin more hydrated, but it also avoids water retention and possible redness. If it is difficult to drink several liters of water each day, one can consume water-rich vegetables such as cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, or soups.
About 90% of your diet should consist of unprocessed foods, or whole foods . This means foods that have not been processed at all with chemicals, refined sugar, preservatives, etc.
There is another point related to this. It is to limit refined sugars . Unless we are diabetics, these are usually not good for our bodies. Of course, we may not be celibate for the rest of our lives, but we should at least limit them to some extent.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the skin is a reflection of the body\’s condition. An increasing percentage of people are having problems with their digestive system. The results here are also very significant. Probiotics would go a long way in balancing the gut and digestive system.