
What is a firm in the first place? [a polysemous term with two meanings.
– If it is an incorporated business, it is an operating company. [If it is a corporation or company, it is an economic firm.
Auto Škoda
business company
– consisting of an appendix and a trunk.
– The forms and types of companies as defined by law are indicated in the appendix.
– The name of the corporation is the name under which it is incorporated.
– The company of a natural person is the name of that person as registered in the commercial register.
– Usually, a.s. or s.r.o. is added.
– An entrepreneur is always obligated to perform legal acts only in the name of his own company.

Enterprises in economics
– are referred to as market entities that specialize in converting resources into goods. [To function properly, an enterprise must organize the transformation of the services of the factors of production into goods to be purchased and sold.
-The objectives of the firm are -expansion and growth, survival in the market, achieving a certain level
-of market share, and maximizing sales. [The behavior of firms in microeconomic theory is described by the theory of the firm.

Škoda Auto a.s.
– the largest car manufacturer in the Czech Republic
– headquartered in Mlada Boleslav.
– founded in 1895,like Laurin & Klement (manufacturer of cars, bicycles and motorcycles)
– with production plants in Vrchlabí and Kvasiny
Motocykl & Laurin Klement
Laurin & Klement
– Founded on December 18, 1895
– Closed on June 27, 1925
– In 1925 the engineering company Skoda – now Skoda Auto – acquired the trademark.
– Václav Raulin (Czech businessman, engineer, and entrepreneur) and Václav Clement (Czech bookstore owner, later entrepreneur; also known as Václav Klement) were born in 1925. 55]

Five largest Czech companies by revenue

Company nameBusiness sector Transactions
Skoda Auto a.
AGROFERT, a.s.Chemical, Food and Agriculture117.6166.8155.1 billion.
Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.sEnergetika31,8101,6153,4 mld.
ALPIQ ENERGY SEVelkoobchod60,289,5139,2 mld.
