Cell Phones Within Reach of Children

Mobile phones are now used practically non-stop, and there is no doubt that there is a cell phone in every home. The biggest problem, however, is that cell phones are in the hands of young children. Why? We are trying to answer that.In the past, there were no cell phones. Children played outside with everyone else, and parents were busy with children, chores, and work. No one needed a cell phone. People who wanted to go somewhere used paper maps or asked for directions. Payments were made with money; there was no Internet banking.


Children were not on computers or cell phones all day. In the morning, a friend or friends would pick them up, go out, come home for dinner, and go out again in the evening. Now it is a little different. Kids don\’t want to go out because they are always on their phones watching videos, texting someone, or looking at social media. Parents don\’t forbid it, so kids spend all day on their phones and it becomes an addiction. Over time, it becomes impossible to separate children from their cell phones.


But the worse option is to put cell phones around little kids who are a few years old. Why is that? Many people believe that mothers need to keep their babies occupied so that they can do things at home. Indeed, this may be true because there is cleaning and cooking that needs to be done at home. If the baby just cries and screams and pulls you around, there is not much you can do. On the other hand, we didn\’t have cell phones before and mothers handled their babies better. Another reason might be that the baby keeps crying. At home, people get tired of the baby\’s constant crying, give them cell phones, play games, watch cartoons, and so on. But rarely do they watch Mole or other old children\’s cartoons anymore, for example. The latter is certainly not good (the former is not good either, but that is understandable). Children develop addictions at a very young age, and if you take away their cell phones, they will start crying again. So think about whether a cell phone is really necessary. You are actually hurting yourself as well as your child.