Can you keep your partner?

Relationships are like flowers. If you do not take care of them, they will stop blooming and over time will wither and die. But how should you take care of it? That is different for each couple. But one thing remains the same. That is the agreement between the two of you. As you know, there is no such thing as an ideal relationship, but it can be harmonized.

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First, you need to be clear with your partner about what you really want and set some rules accordingly. It does not mean that you should not do it, but certain things that you both want. Do not do something behind his back. It can get ugly.

The cornerstone of a relationship is trust. If you don\’t believe in love, it is hard to keep it. Being honest with each other, sharing joys and sorrows together, makes the bond between two people stronger. You will know the right partner when they support you in times of hardship. I think we have all been there at some point, and it can make us stronger. It is often said that what doesn\’t kill us makes us stronger.
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Just as important as trust is freedom. You don\’t have to spend all of your life together. Give him freedom. I don\’t mean date other people, but give him time to be alone and with friends. The same goes for you. I know you want to be with your significant other all the time, but trust me. Think of it as being able to tell each other what\’s going on. Don\’t be afraid to ask how their day went. But everything in moderation. We don\’t want people to think you are a fighter pilot or a fighter plane. Just ask them how their day went and they will talk themselves out of it.

If not, don\’t be afraid to get to know them and tell them about yourself in return. At the very least, you will get to know each other better. Don\’t forget to let them know how you feel, especially about them. Romance fades after a long relationship, so surprise them and ask them out to dinner.

You may have to break up with them, but if you go all the way, there is no need to beat yourself up. You have done all you can do.