
Purchase and repair

When purchasing a new electrical appliance, purchase it at a qualified store or a verified e-shop, and when using it, follow the enclosed instructions When repairing electrical appliances, it is necessary to turn off the power and disconnect it from electricity, as it may cause electric shock. Injuries can also occur when shopping at markets or stalls. It is better not to buy products that are poorly packaged or lack instructions for use.
Neopravujte sami to, čemu nerozumíte.

Retired electrical appliances – what to do with them.

For devices that do not work, repairs should always be considered. When it comes to simple things and you figure it out, you can try to fix it yourself. However, if it will be more demanding, call the repairman or take the device to the service station. If you do not even repair the device in the service and want to get rid of it, then definitely do not throw it into an ordinary trash can or leave it in front for a small appliance, it is possible to throw it into a container of red appliances, but if there is no such container near the place of residence, or if you If the discarded device is too large to fit in the container, do not put it there unnecessarily (it can damage the container).
S elektrospotřebiči je třeba zacházet opatrně.

First Aid in case of electric shock

As mentioned above, an electric shock can occur if the electrical appliance is not handled properly or if a poorly secured electrical appliance is purchased. It\’s good to know basic first aid.
The damage is manifested by muscle spasms, and the affected person may stop moving or have cardiac arrest. First of all, it is necessary to remove the current source from it, that is, to deprive it of contact with the damaged electrical appliance. You need to pay attention mainly to yourself – you push it away with a wooden stick or something that does not make an electric current. The main thing is not to touch it – the human body is a very good conductor. Finally, call an ambulance (you can call immediately if there are more people, but the most important thing is to remove the affected current source).