A painless computer

Most of us send emails several times a day at work, use various computer systems, or search the Internet for related goods and services. And while sitting in front of the keyboard usually doesn\’t end with leaving work, we continue to do it after we get home. Whether for work or leisure.
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However, frequent sitting at the computer is not what ourhealthappreciates us. The fact that we are doing something wrong, first of all, warns us of the pain in the parts of the body that suffer most from long and incorrect sitting.

The most common complaints include pain in the back, eyes, or head. Based on expert advice, it may appear even if you have set the table, chair and monitor in the correct position.Fortunately, there are some tricks to quickly and effectively prevent the pain caused by sitting for a long time with your eyes fixed on the monitor.

When working with a computer, we look at the monitor for several hours at a time and at a relatively short distance. But in order not to hurt our eyes, it is important to devote our gaze to something else from time to time. So look at at least a few minutes at a distance of at least 5 meters. For example, from the window to your favorite pictures and flowers. Do not forget that the green color has a calming effect on the nervous system. It is also recommended to do eye exercises.

· Stretching
Often, when working with a computer, we forget that we should change the position, take a few steps and stir the blood in the veins. Therefore, the ideal is an alarm or lima that reminds you that you need to take a walk, such as taking out garbage, watering flowers or going down stairs, for example, to copy the rings in the air with the head and wrists, and also to relax the wrist and cervical vertebrae, it is recommended to use a break during work. Even with a 5-minute pause filled with movement, you will do good, you will have more energy, and it will also give you more energy.

· Drink
Lack of water is one of the most common reasons to increasingly complain about headaches.1 It will help just to look at the computer screen longer. Therefore, we should drink a lot of moisture, ideally clean water, which has a beneficial effect on our health. In addition to helping prevent and fight headaches, it relieves fatigue and improves concentration.
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· Straighten
The secret to back pain is to sit properly. At the computer, sit upright, but relax and do not slouch. Also important is the position of the legs, which often leads to the habit of crossing under the chair. But correctly, our feet should be fixed at a right angle with the shank, and the entire surface should be placed on the floor. The right angle should also be between the forearm and the arm, and then the palm should be at the same level as the keyboard.