Someone who takes care of his or her health, not only mentally but also physically. In other words, they are physically active and exercise their muscles. They do not need to go to the gym, group or individual exercise classes, or even to be confined to the house. They also take walks in the countryside or, for the more advanced, go running.
Exercise, eating enough from each, no smoking. And now we come to the heart of the matter: not drinking alcoholic beverages in excess. One could argue that few people don\’t toast to celebrations and birthdays anymore, and that it is normal for alcohol to be served even during conviviality, and no one would be surprised. After all, alcohol brings relief to people and makes them worry less about work and love. Shy people suddenly become courageous. Sad people become cheerful. And vice versa.
But it is up to us to decide whether we want to let alcohol compel us. We can always refuse. But why should we do that? Let\’s be honest, an occasional drink, especially one or two beers a day or a glass of good dry wine, is not harmful to our health. But would you put up with a beer or a glass or two? And wouldn\’t you cut it down to a shot “for your health”? We can do our bidding on the beneficial effects of spirits. But luck is on one\’s side.
So if you want to be in charge and claim that you don\’t have a drinking problem, go to an event called “Dry Fever”where you will be asked if you have a drinking problem.There you can test whether you are an alcoholic or not, or whether you can go an entire month without drinking. You may be surprised to find that you find it very difficult not to drink a drop, or, on the other hand, that you find sobriety so “delicious” that you continue to do so for the next month. Your brain, body, and especially your liver will thank you for this sobriety. It\’s for your own good and for your health. Think about it, February is approaching by leaps and bounds and you are already knocking on the door.